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Physiological Benefits of playing sports for students

3 June 2020 No Comment

Healthy growth

Physical stress caused by playing sports helps muscles, bones, ligaments, and tendons to become healthier and stronger. The bone density also increases, which helps in reducing the risk of osteoporosis – a condition which is known to make the bones porous and fragile.

Reduced risk of obesity

The more active a person is, the more calories he/she will burn. Fitness helps in preventing fat to be accumulated in the body as well as reducing the risk of obesity and obesity-related diseases.

Increased cardiovascular fitness

The heart is a muscle. And  like other muscles, its performance and endurance improves when challenged with physical exercise regularly. The heart becomes stronger and more efficient when students play sports. A strong heart results in a reduced risk of heart disease.

Strengthens lungs

The more students play sports, the more efficient their lungs become, therefore increasing their capacity. This means that the lungs start drawing in more oxygen and also expelling out more carbon dioxide and other gasses. Regular playing sports also helps prevent the decline in oxygen intake that naturally occurs with age or inactivity.

Reduces blood sugar levels

Exercise triggers muscles to use up the sugar in the blood by turning the glucose into energy. This helps in keeping sugar levels down, therefore, reduces the risk of developing diabetes.

Improves energy levels

Regular exercise makes students more energetic in general and reduces the likelihood of getting tired.

Improves co-ordination and balance

Playing sports requires some hand-eye and foot-eye co-ordination. As students learn a new sport, their co-ordination and balance remarkably improve.

Helps prevent cancer

Research shows that regular fitness activities lowers the incidence of cancer particularly cancers of the colon, uterine, breast, and prostate.

Improved sleep

Physical exertion improves sleep duration and quality. It also reduces the risk of developing sleep disorders like sleep apnea, insomnia and restless leg syndrome.

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